College & High School Mental Health Curriculum/Programming: Our athletes do not have the mental health literacy they need to properly advocate for themselves. Research shows that there is a direct relationship between an increase in MH knowledge and a decrease in Stigma!! This advocacy includes meeting with legislators on current and planned curriculum. Getting a seat at the education table to ensure mental health illiteracy is a focus.

I met with Senator Creigh Deeds in October 2018. He is the Mental Health Zsar in Virginia. Due to a highly publicized event with his son, he became the #1 advocate in the Virginia state legislature promoting mental health. Our Education sub-committee has asked that mental health be specifically integrated into our Health & PE curriculum. The VA Department of Education, is currently creating such curriculum. I am now trying to determine the implementation timeline.

In December 2018 met with Delegate and hope to ask for a more prominent role in advocating for Mental Health programming in the locality & the state.

CWP will continue to fight for mental health programming and curriculum.